Lesson 10: Grandparents
EY! for TeensEY! for Teens Year 3 Lesson 10 Quizlet
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Please use this Quizlet Flashcard set to try to learn the words that you’ll need during your next lesson before the lesson. Use the Flashcards mode to study the words then test yourself to see what you remember using the Match mode. To change between modes, click on "Choose a Study Mode" in the bottom right of the Quizlet.
EY! for Teens Year 3 Lesson 10: Grandparents
Please prepare for your next lesson by writing down your answers to the questions below. Please use the same notebook every time to make it easier for you to review in the future.

- Tell me about your grandparents. What are their names? Ages? Hobbies?
- How often do you visit or see your grandparents?
- What is something that your grandmother or grandfather taught you that you will never forget?
- Do you look more like your father’s parents or more like your mother’s parents? Explain.
- Where do your grandparents live?
- What is something that will always remind you of your grandparents?
If there is time, please ask your teacher Question 3 and Question 5.
Model Answers: Let’s Ask Riku

- My grandfather’s names are Haruki and Yuta. My grandmother’s names are Yukiko and Koko. They are all 74 years old. Crazy coincidence. They have similar interests. They like to play gate ball and enjoy gardening.
- I see my grandparents at New Years and most Japanese holidays. They also never miss my birthday.
- My grandmother taught me how to knit. I have made many scarves and gloves with her.
- I look more like my mother’s parents. I think it’s because I look more like my mother.
- My grandparents live in Osaka and Nara.
- I will never forget my grandmother’s hands. They are like soft origami paper.
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