Lesson 25: Volunteer Work

EY! for Teens

EY! for Teens Year 2 Lesson 25 Quizlet

このクイズレットフラッシュカードを使用して、レッスン前の次のレッスンで必要な単語を学習してください。 Flashcardsモードを使用して単語を勉強し、自分で試合モードを使用して覚えていることを確認してください。 モードを切り替えるには、クイズレットの右下にある「学習モードを選択」をクリックします。

Please use this Quizlet Flashcard set to try to learn the words that you’ll need during your next lesson before the lesson. Use the Flashcards mode to study the words then test yourself to see what you remember using the Match mode. To change between modes, click on "Choose a Study Mode" in the bottom right of the Quizlet.


EY! for Teens Year 2 Lesson 25: Volunteer Work


Please prepare for your next lesson by writing down your answers to the questions below. Please use the same notebook every time to make it easier for you to review in the future.



  1. Name one volunteer activity that people sometimes do. Is it common in your country?
  2. Have you ever done any volunteer work? If so, what volunteer work have you done? If not, would you like to volunteer for something?
  3. Research Time! Name one famous volunteer organization. Where and when did it begin? What services do they provide? Do they do volunteer work in your country?
  4. Would you like to do volunteer work in a foreign country? If so, where and why? If not, why not?
  5. What kind of volunteer work would you never volunteer for? Why?
  6. How can volunteering your services benefit you personally?

If there is time, ask your teacher Question 3 and Question 6.

Model Answers: Let’s Ask Risa

  1. I think visiting the elderly is very common in Japan. My first year of junior high school, we visited a nursing home. Some students played the piano for them and we also played card games. It was very fun and interesting.
  2. I volunteer once a month on Sunday. My local community gathers at 10:00 am to collect trash and recycle. We usually finish at around 15:00. The local organizers bring yummy snacks and tea.
  3. The ICRC, or the Red Cross. It was founded in the UK in 1870. It has over 17 million volunteers worldwide. It was founded to protect human life and health. The Red Cross often does blood drives, where people can donate their blood for people in need in a crisis. There is a Red Cross organization in Japan, however, people from all over the world volunteered for the Red Cross during the tsunami and earthquakes that hit Japan in 2011.
  4. Yes. I would like to volunteer in an English speaking country. I would like to improve my English and help people in need. I think Australia would be a good choice. I would like to volunteer at an animal reserve. I want to help the animals of Australia.
  5. I would never volunteer in a dangerous country. I would be afraid of getting hurt or killed in a place like Somalia, or Iraq.
  6. Volunteering gives you a sense of purpose and understanding. It is beneficial to both parties. I can learn new skills and study and practice new languages.

EY! for Teens Year 2 Progress Test 6 (Lesson 22 to Lesson 25)

あなたが以前の4つのレッスンをきちんと理解出来ているか下記の質問に答えましょう。 20の質問があります。 各質問には4つの可能な回答があります。 時間をかけて慎重に質問を読んでください。 準備が整ったら、質問に最も適していると思われる回答を選択しましょう。 Good Luck!

Please take the quiz below to test your understanding of the previous four lessons. There are 20 questions. Each question has four possible answers. Take your time and read the questions carefully. When you're ready, select the answer that you think best fits the question. Good luck!