Link the words on the left with their translations on the right. Look up any words you don’t know. Please use a ruler! You will need these words to be able to read the Kids Express Yourself! (Activity 2: Kids Express).
左の単語に合う日本語訳を線で結びましょう。知らない単語は、辞書で調べましょう。線を引く時は、さしを使いましょう。Kids Express Yourself!(次のアクティビティー)で、これらの単語が必要になります。
Are you sure you are ready to read the kids express? Try doing this quiz game so you are sure you know today’s new words. Kids Express Yourself!をする準備は出来ているかな?このスキャターゲームをして、今日の新しい単語をもう一度確認しましょう。
Read the questions and the model answers. What would you answer to these questions? You will be asked these questions at the start of the next lesson.
Draw a line from the English sentences to the Japanese sentences. Please use a ruler! These are useful patterns for writing your diary. You can use some of these phrases to write your diary this week if you wish.
Please read page 4-7 of your diary booklet carefully. Then, write your diary for this week! 日記帳の4~7ページをよく読んで、今週の日記を書きましょう。
Let’s prepare for the documentary by learning some new words. Using a pencil, draw lines between the English and the Japanese. Enter the letters that correspond to the Japanese word into the numbered boxes that correspond to the English word. If your linking is correct, the secret word of an object will form. Circle the picture of the that object from the pictures on the page. You can review these target words using the documentary quizlet (below).
Are you ready to watch the documentary? Let’s review the words you need. Click on the audio button in the quizlet below (it will turn from grey to blue) and work through the cards so you can learn both the meaning and the pronunciation of the new vocabulary.
Watch the video 3, 4 or 5 times. Try to catch the gist of what is being said even if you cannot catch every word. You will be tested on how much you can understand in the quiz below and during the next lesson.
How much of the documentary could you follow? Try to score highly in this quiz. To start the quiz, press the blue ‘start’ button, then work through the quiz pressing the right arrow. When you reach the end of the quiz, press the blue ‘Get Results’ button. How did you score? If you got over 90%, why not let your teacher know by adding your name in the submit box and pressing the green ‘submit’ button. You can re-take the quiz as often as you wish.
どれだけドキュメンタリーを理解できましたか?このクイズで高得点をねらいましょう。クイズをスタートするには、青い”Start”ボタンを押して、解答し、右矢印を押して次の問題に進んでゆきます。最後の質問になると、青い”Get Results”ボタンを押します。得点はどうですか?もし、90%以上の結果なら、先生に伝えてみましょう。submitに、自分の名前を入れて、緑色の”submit”ボタンを押しましょう。クイズは何度でもできます。また先生にも何度も送ることも可能です。
There is a space for the question that should suit the answer.
英語で疑問文や解答(Yes, No)を書きましょう。
Write in the missing letters. Use a picture dictionary or encyclopedia where necessary.
Tap the correct answer to a series of multiple choice questions. Try many times to improve your score.