Before the Lesson
Pre-Lesson Homework 1 :: Grammar Review (15分)
次のレッスンに備えて、この一連の練習をするようにしましょう。 右下にある青色の「i」ボタンをタップすると、問題の日本語翻訳が表示されます。 各エクササイズを完了したら、[チェック]ボタンをタップして、正しく答えれたかどうかを確認します。 できるだけ多くのポイントを得るようにしてください。 あなたは好きなだけ何度も練習を繰り返すことができますでもコインを獲得できるのは最初だけです。
Please work through this series of exercises to prepare for your next lesson. Tap the blue "i" button in the bottom right corner to see a Japanese translation of the questions. Once you've completed each exercise, tap the Check button to see if you have answered correctly. Try to score as many points as you can. You can repeat the exercises as many times as you like but you will only earn coins the first time.
Pre-Lesson Homework 2 :: Documentary Preview (10分)
このビデオを見て、次のレッスンの準備にあたって各質問を準備してください。 ビデオが一時停止し、画面にボタンが表示されたら、そのボタンをタップして質問に答えてください。 質問を順番に答えなくても、いつでもあなたが尋ねた質問に戻ることができます。 画面左下の「ブックマーク」ボタンをタップすると、ビデオのさまざまな部分にジャンプできます。 あなたは好きなだけ何度もビデオを見ることができますでもコインを獲得できるのは最初です。
Please watch this video and work through each of the questions to prepare for your next lesson. When the video pauses and you see a button appear on the screen, please tap the button to answer the question. You don't have to answer the questions in order and you can come back to any of the questions you missed at any time. Tap the "Bookmarks" button in the bottom left of the screen to jump around to different parts of the video. You can watch the video as many times as you like but you will only earn coins the first time.
Please do not let the video play through to the end without answering all questions or you will miss your chance to earn all the coins!
In-Class Activities
Suggested Mini-Game: Clap Catch
In-Class Activity 1 :: Students Book, Unit 1 Language Focus (15分)
In-Class Activity 2 :: Documentary Second Look (15分)
- Work through the following exercises. Students should ask questions if there is something they don't understand. Questions can be directed to your teacher or your classmates. Questions should be in English as far as possible.
- It is a good idea to take notes in a notebook so you can review them between classes.
In-Class Activity 3 :: Documentary Planet (20分)
- Look at the following pictures. Your teacher will now ask you some questions about things from the video, things in the pictures and related topics.
- You will receive points for correct answers. Bonus points if you can create your own questions.
- Whoever has the most points at the end of the activity wins!
After the Lesson
Post-Lesson Homework :: Workbook, Pages 6-8 (20分)
次のレッスン前に、先週やった内容をワークブックで見直してください。 ワークブックの指示は英語ですが、ここに翻訳があります。
Before your next lesson, please review your last lesson by doing the following exercises in your workbook. The workbook instructions are in English, here are the translations.